Thursday, 14 June 2007


Choice is bondage, choicelessness freedom. The moment you choose something, you have fallen in the trap of the world.

Why can't you remain without choosing? Why does it happen the moment you see a person or a thing, immediately a subtle wave of choice has entered in you, even if you are not aware that you have chosen? A woman passes by and you say she is beautiful. You are not saying anything about your choice, but the choice has entered, for to say of a person that she is beautiful means: "I would like to choose her." In fact, deep down you have chosen; you are already in the trap. The seed has fallen to the soil; soon there will be sprouts, there will be a plant and a tree.

The moment you say, "This car is beautiful," choice has entered. You may not be aware at all that you have chosen, that you would like to possess this car, but in the mind a fantasy has entered, a desire has arisen. When you say something is beautiful, you mean that you would like to have it.

First you make a thing beautiful. This is why I say that first you create the trap and then you fall into it. First you think this face is beautiful -- this is YOUR creation, this is just your imagination, this is just your mind interpreting; this is not existential, this is just psychological

Nothing is needed says tantra. You simply see the whole trick -- it is your own creation.

In nature nothing is good and nothing is bad. And remember, tantra is the loose and the natural way. It wants to bring you to the deepest, most natural phenomena of life. It wants to help you drop from the mind -- and mind creates distinctions, and mind says this is to be chosen and that has to be avoided. To this you cling, and that you avoid and escape from. Look at the whole phenomenon. Just a look is needed, nothing else; no practice is needed -- just a look at the whole situation.

When you are attracted it is beauty, when you are repelled it is ugly. But it is YOU, not the object, because the same object can attract somebody else.

It happens every day; people are always amazed about other people. They say, "That man has fallen in love with that woman -- amazing!" Nobody can believe that this can happen; that woman is ugly. But to that man, that woman is the very incarnation of beauty. What to do? There can be no objective criterion, there is none

First you create a beautiful man and then you start chasing him, then you run after him. And after a few days living with a beautiful man or woman, all fantasies fall to the ground. Suddenly you become aware, as if you have been deceived, that this woman looks ordinary. And you were thinking she was a Laila or a Juliet, or you were thinking he is a Majnu or a Romeo, and suddenly, after a few days, the dreams have evaporated and the woman has become ordinary, or the man has become ordinary; then you feel disgusted, as if the other has deceived you.

Nobody has deceived and nothing has fallen from the man or woman; it is your own fantasy that has fallen -- because fantasies cannot be maintained. You can dream about them but you cannot maintain them for a long time. Fantasies are fantasies! So if you really want to continue in your fantasy, then when you see a beautiful woman, immediately escape from her as far as you can. Then you will always remember her as the most beautiful woman in the world. Then the fantasy will never come in contact with reality. Then there will be no shattering. You can always sigh and sing and weep and cry for the beautiful woman -- but never go near her!

----------Extracted from "THE SUPREME UNDERSTANDING"

these lines really made me think !


~Moo-lah Buz!nezzz~ said...

Pretty cool.

Its the beauty that lies in the eyes of the beholder.Ugly stuffs are beautiful in their own sense.Otherwise the ugly duckling could have never grown up into the beautiful swan.


coffee stain said...

nunku ki hobe boro hobe be??? i mean the duckling became a swan.... nunku'r ki hobe?